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Ramona Clark

Psychedelic Guide


Psilocybin       Cannabis        Ketamine 


Hi, I'm Ramona and I am a Certified Psychedelic Guide for Psilocybin and Cannabis in Denver Colorado. I am also a guide for Ketamine Infusion Therapy at Rocky Mountain Mind and Body in Englewood, Colorado.


Psychedelic medicines are a powerful tool to facilitate self discovery and exploration. On the voyage of self, you will want to have a guide help you navigate the terrain of your mind.


I provide a stable presence that equips you with skills to navigate turbulent emotions and process past experiences, helping you explore with curiosity and courage the challenges, insights, and wonderful realms that are within you and integrating these experiences into new ways of being. I work with you alone or in coordination with your mental health provider.

star canyon

Healing is not an event. Healing is a journey.

The psilocybin (medicine not provided) journey is an in-person 5 hour long experience
Colorado only.
Recommend 1 journey

The cannabis (medicine not provided) journey is an online or in-person 3 hour long experience
(In person Colorado only). Recommend 2 journeys

The ketamine journey is provided at the Rocky Mountain Mind & Body ketamine clinic
 and subject to different pricing.  Recommend 6 sessions. 

How it Works


Pay from bank account or credit card via Venmo. $75 per hour. Total hours will be determined in discovery call.


1-2 hour discussion of your goals and intentions for the journey, creating tools for navigation and addressing questions or concerns. Written preparation materials provided before journey. Informed consent materials are collected.


Journey from the comfort of your home via Zoom or in-person. You are in the driver's seat of your healing journey. I provide an integrated field of safe and expert connection that helps you restore your system to its innate healing capacity. It is possible to explore creative concepts, delve into a problem you are trying to solve or open to deep universal connection.


1 hour integration session with myself or your mental health provider to process insights into new ways of being.

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